An animated button with a rainbow effect.PreviewCodeStyle: Get Unlimited Access Installation CLIManualnpx nyxb@latest add rainbow-buttonCopyUpdate the import paths to match your project setup.Update globals.cssAdd the following to your globals.css file::root { --color-1: 0 100% 63%; --color-2: 270 100% 63%; --color-3: 210 100% 63%; --color-4: 195 100% 63%; --color-5: 90 100% 63%; }CopyUpdate tailwind.config.tsAdd the following animations to your tailwind.config.ts file:tailwind.config.ts/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { theme: { extend: { colors: { "color-1": "hsl(var(--color-1))", "color-2": "hsl(var(--color-2))", "color-3": "hsl(var(--color-3))", "color-4": "hsl(var(--color-4))", "color-5": "hsl(var(--color-5))", }, animation: { rainbow: "rainbow var(--speed, 2s) infinite linear", }, keyframes: { rainbow: { "0%": { "background-position": "0%" }, "100%": { "background-position": "200%" }, }, }, }, }, };Copy Props PropTypeDescriptionchildrenReact.ReactNodeThe content to be displayed inside the button.