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Beautiful charts. Built using Recharts. Copy and paste into your apps.

Bar Chart - Interactive

Showing total visitors for the last 3 months

Introducing Charts. A collection of chart components that you can copy and paste into your apps.

Charts are designed to look great out of the box. They work well with the other components and are fully customizable to fit your project.

Browse the Charts Library.


We use Recharts under the hood.

We designed the chart component with composition in mind. You build your charts using Recharts components and only bring in custom components, such as ChartTootlip, when and where you need it.

import { Bar, BarChart } from "recharts"
import { ChartContainer, ChartTooltipContent } from "~/components/ui/charts"
export function MyChart() {
  return (
      <BarChart data={data}>
        <Bar dataKey="value" />
        <ChartTooltip content={<ChartTooltipContent />} />

We do not wrap Recharts. This means you're not locked into an abstraction. When a new Recharts version is released, you can follow the official upgrade path to upgrade your charts.

The components are yours.


Run the following command to install chart.tsx

npx nyxbui@latest add chart

Add the following colors to your CSS file

@layer base {
  :root {
    --chart-1: 12 76% 61%;
    --chart-2: 173 58% 39%;
    --chart-3: 197 37% 24%;
    --chart-4: 43 74% 66%;
    --chart-5: 27 87% 67%;
  .dark {
    --chart-1: 220 70% 50%;
    --chart-2: 160 60% 45%;
    --chart-3: 30 80% 55%;
    --chart-4: 280 65% 60%;
    --chart-5: 340 75% 55%;

Your First Chart

Let's build your first chart. We'll build a bar chart, add a grid, axis, tooltip and legend.

Start by defining your data

The following data represents the number of desktop and mobile users for each month.

const chartData = [
  { month: "January", desktop: 186, mobile: 80 },
  { month: "February", desktop: 305, mobile: 200 },
  { month: "March", desktop: 237, mobile: 120 },
  { month: "April", desktop: 73, mobile: 190 },
  { month: "May", desktop: 209, mobile: 130 },
  { month: "June", desktop: 214, mobile: 140 },

Define your chart config

The chart config holds configuration for the chart. This is where you place human-readable strings, such as labels, icons and color tokens for theming.

import { type ChartConfig } from "~/components/ui/chart"
const chartConfig = {
  desktop: {
    label: "Desktop",
    color: "#2563eb",
  mobile: {
    label: "Mobile",
    color: "#60a5fa",
} satisfies ChartConfig

Build your chart

You can now build your chart using Recharts components.

'use client'
import { Bar, BarChart } from 'recharts'
import type { ChartConfig } from '~/registry/default/ui/chart'
import { ChartContainer } from '~/registry/default/ui/chart'
const chartData = [
   { month: 'January', desktop: 186, mobile: 80 },
   { month: 'February', desktop: 305, mobile: 200 },
   { month: 'March', desktop: 237, mobile: 120 },
   { month: 'April', desktop: 73, mobile: 190 },
   { month: 'May', desktop: 209, mobile: 130 },
   { month: 'June', desktop: 214, mobile: 140 },
const chartConfig = {
   desktop: {
      label: 'Desktop',
      color: '#2563eb',
   mobile: {
      label: 'Mobile',
      color: '#60a5fa',
} satisfies ChartConfig
export function Component() {
   return (
      <ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="min-h-[200px] w-full">
         <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
            <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
            <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />
'use client'
import { Bar, BarChart } from 'recharts'
import type { ChartConfig } from '~/registry/miami/ui/chart'
import { ChartContainer } from '~/registry/miami/ui/chart'
const chartData = [
   { month: 'January', desktop: 186, mobile: 80 },
   { month: 'February', desktop: 305, mobile: 200 },
   { month: 'March', desktop: 237, mobile: 120 },
   { month: 'April', desktop: 73, mobile: 190 },
   { month: 'May', desktop: 209, mobile: 130 },
   { month: 'June', desktop: 214, mobile: 140 },
const chartConfig = {
   desktop: {
      label: 'Desktop',
      color: '#2563eb',
   mobile: {
      label: 'Mobile',
      color: '#60a5fa',
} satisfies ChartConfig
export function Component() {
   return (
      <ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="min-h-[200px] w-full">
         <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
            <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
            <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />

Add a Grid

Let's add a grid to the chart.

Import the CartesianGrid component.

import { Bar, BarChart, CartesianGrid } from "recharts"

Add the CartesianGrid component to your chart.

<ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="min-h-[200px] w-full">
  <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
    <CartesianGrid vertical={false} />
    <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
    <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />

Add an Axis

To add an x-axis to the chart, we'll use the XAxis component.

Import the XAxis component.

import { Bar, BarChart, CartesianGrid, XAxis } from "recharts"

Add the XAxis component to your chart.

<ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="h-[200px] w-full">
  <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
    <CartesianGrid vertical={false} />
      tickFormatter={(value) => value.slice(0, 3)}
    <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
    <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />

Add Tooltip

So far we've only used components from Recharts. They look great out of the box thanks to some customization in the chart component.

To add a tooltip, we'll use the custom ChartTooltip and ChartTooltipContent components from chart.

Import the ChartTooltip and ChartTooltipContent components.

import { ChartTooltip, ChartTooltipContent } from "~/components/ui/chart"

Add the components to your chart.

<ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="h-[200px] w-full">
  <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
    <CartesianGrid vertical={false} />
      tickFormatter={(value) => value.slice(0, 3)}
    <ChartTooltip content={<ChartTooltipContent />} />
    <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
    <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />

Hover to see the tooltips. Easy, right? Two components, and we've got a beautiful tooltip.

Add Legend

We'll do the same for the legend. We'll use the ChartLegend and ChartLegendContent components from chart.

Import the ChartLegend and ChartLegendContent components.

import { ChartLegend, ChartLegendContent } from "~/components/ui/chart"

Add the components to your chart.

<ChartContainer config={chartConfig} className="h-[200px] w-full">
  <BarChart accessibilityLayer data={chartData}>
    <CartesianGrid vertical={false} />
      tickFormatter={(value) => value.slice(0, 3)}
    <ChartTooltip content={<ChartTooltipContent />} />
    <ChartLegend content={<ChartLegendContent />} />
    <Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" radius={4} />
    <Bar dataKey="mobile" fill="var(--color-mobile)" radius={4} />

Done. You've built your first chart! What's next?

Chart Config

The chart config is where you define the labels, icons and colors for a chart.

It is intentionally decoupled from chart data.

This allows you to share config and color tokens between charts. It can also works independently for cases where your data or color tokens live remotely or in a different format.

import { Monitor } from "lucide-react"
import { type ChartConfig } from "~/components/ui/chart"
const chartConfig = {
  desktop: {
    label: "Desktop",
    icon: Monitor,
    // A color like 'hsl(220, 98%, 61%)' or 'var(--color-name)'
    color: "#2563eb",
    // OR a theme object with 'light' and 'dark' keys
    theme: {
      light: "#2563eb",
      dark: "#dc2626",
} satisfies ChartConfig


Charts has built-in support for theming. You can use css variables (recommended) or color values in any color format, such as hex, hsl or oklch.

CSS Variables

Define your colors in your css file

@layer base {
  :root {
    --background: 0 0% 100%;
    --foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
    // ...
    --chart-1: 12 76% 61%;
    --chart-2: 173 58% 39%;
  .dark: {
    --background: 240 10% 3.9%;
    --foreground: 0 0% 100%;
    // ...
    --chart-1: 220 70% 50%;
    --chart-2: 160 60% 45%;

Add the color to your chartConfig

const chartConfig = {
  desktop: {
    label: "Desktop",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-1))",
  mobile: {
    label: "Mobile",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-2))",
} satisfies ChartConfig

hex, hsl or oklch

You can also define your colors directly in the chart config. Use the color format you prefer.

const chartConfig = {
  desktop: {
    label: "Desktop",
    color: "#2563eb",
} satisfies ChartConfig

Using Colors

To use the theme colors in your chart, reference the colors using the format var(--color-KEY).


<Bar dataKey="desktop" fill="var(--color-desktop)" />

Chart Data

const chartData = [
  { browser: "chrome", visitors: 275, fill: "var(--color-chrome)" },
  { browser: "safari", visitors: 200, fill: "var(--color-safari)" },


<LabelList className="fill-[--color-desktop]" />


A chart tooltip contains a label, name, indicator and value. You can use a combination of these to customize your tooltip.

Page Views
Page Views

You can turn on/off any of these using the hideLabel, hideIndicator props and customize the indicator style using the indicator prop.

Use labelKey and nameKey to use a custom key for the tooltip label and name.

Chart comes with the <ChartTooltip> and <ChartTooltipContent> components. You can use these two components to add custom tooltips to your chart.

import { ChartTooltip, ChartTooltipContent } from "~/components/ui/chart"
<ChartTooltip content={<ChartTooltipContent />} />


Use the following props to customize the tooltip.

labelKeystringThe config or data key to use for the label.
nameKeystringThe config or data key to use for the name.
indicatordot line or dashedThe indicator style for the tooltip.
hideLabelbooleanWhether to hide the label.
hideIndicatorbooleanWhether to hide the indicator.


Colors are automatically referenced from the chart config.


To use a custom key for tooltip label and names, use the labelKey and nameKey props.

const chartData = [
  { browser: "chrome", visitors: 187, fill: "var(--color-chrome)" },
  { browser: "safari", visitors: 200, fill: "var(--color-safari)" },
const chartConfig = {
  visitors: {
    label: "Total Visitors",
  chrome: {
    label: "Chrome",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-1))",
  safari: {
    label: "Safari",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-2))",
} satisfies ChartConfig
  content={<ChartTooltipContent labelKey="visitors" nameKey="browser" />}

This will use Total Visitors for label and Chrome and Safari for the tooltip names.


You can use the custom <ChartLegend> and <ChartLegendContent> components to add a legend to your chart.

import { ChartLegend, ChartLegendContent } from "~/components/ui/chart"
<ChartLegend content={<ChartLegendContent />} />


Colors are automatically referenced from the chart config.


To use a custom key for legend names, use the nameKey prop.

const chartData = [
  { browser: "chrome", visitors: 187, fill: "var(--color-chrome)" },
  { browser: "safari", visitors: 200, fill: "var(--color-safari)" },
const chartConfig = {
  chrome: {
    label: "Chrome",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-1))",
  safari: {
    label: "Safari",
    color: "hsl(var(--chart-2))",
} satisfies ChartConfig
<ChartLegend content={<ChartLegendContent nameKey="browser" />} />

This will use Chrome and Safari for the legend names.


You can turn on the accessibilityLayer prop to add an accessible layer to your chart.

This prop adds keyboard access and screen reader support to your charts.

<LineChart accessibilityLayer />